If you're a fan of NBC's "The Voice", you may recognize Brandon Chase from season 5. With obvious charisma and a winning personality, Brandon Chase comes across as a shy, unassuming artist, humble in his attitude and charming in his character, but don't let that fool you. There is nothing shy, unassuming or quiet about his talent, it speaks rather loudly for itself. Having worked hard as an independent artist, writing and selling his own music, his turn on The Voice thrust Brandon into the spotlight as an artist with a future that is now a little more defined and a little less uncertain. He's got talent, that's been seen by millions, now he's ready to prove it outside of your television sets, through live performances nationwide. Brandon took time out to answer some questions for us so that we can help you get to know him just a little better. We found him while surfing iTunes back in 2012 and started promoting his talent then, but now, with a brand new single, "One", just released to country radio, it's time that the whole world has a chance to see the natural talent that Brandon brings to the entertainment table. 1. For those who might not be familiar with your story, give us a little background into who Brandon Chase is, both personally and artistically.
I consider myself a very driven person in both the personal and professional aspects of my life. I’m very passionate about everything I do and always strive for excellence and quality. Having escaped the clutches of death only a few days after I was born, I live each day with purpose and passion to inspire and uplift others on this journey called life.
2 You were an independent artist, recording and releasing your own music before you auditioned for The Voice. That's actually how we found you, surfing on iTunes and came across your cd, "Country Enough", back in November 2012. What lead you from that point to "The Voice"?
After a pretty successful run of my "Country Enough - EP" as an independent artist, I found myself at a bit of a crossroad. There was momentum in my career, but at the same time I felt a little stuck. In that time of wondering what was next for me, I got an email from The Voice inviting me to a private audition. The timing of it all was really perfect, and after much thought and prayer, I felt like it was the right opportunity for me.
3. What is the biggest personal challenge that you're currently pushing yourself to achieve?
Diving a little deeper into my personal songwriting.
4. You have a new single out, "One". Tell us about the song and how it came about that this particular song would be your debut single.
As a songwriter, I typically write all of my own music. However, "One" came to me through a publishing companies catalog. The first time I heard it, I knew it was a great song. I loved the story and how relatable it is to really almost anyone. Then, when we got into the studio to record it, it really just took on a whole new life. While the song was still being tracked, we already knew it had to be the first one out of the gate.
5. Who or what has been your strongest motivator?
My strongest motivation comes from peoples reaction to my music. There's nothing more rewarding to me than when someone's life is impacted in a positive way through my music.
6. Who is your most influential artist?
Definitely Keith Urban. He's an incredible musician, singer, and songwriter. And from what I hear, he's a really great guy personally. I can't wait to meet him!
7. Do you have hobbies that keep you busy when you are not performing or in the studio?
When I'm not busy on the road, in the studio, etc. I really just love doing all the normal stuff. Watching movies with friends, hunting, bowling, etc. And one of my favorite things in the world to do besides music is snowboarding. But unfortunately, living in Texas I don't get to do that very much!
8. What is at the top of your bucket list, musically and non-musically?
Musically: to play at the new Dallas Cowboys AT&T stadium.
Non-Musically: skydive without an instructor strapped to my back. 9. What's your favorite memory of being on "The Voice" and do you keep in touch with any of the other contestants?
My favorite memory of The Voice was walking into the room to meet my family right after my blind audition. It was such a special moment for all of us that we will never forget.
I try to keep in touch as much as possible with the friends I made while on the show. But of course we all have busy lives and usually end up on completely opposite schedules. But they will always be great friends regardless of how much we end up communicating.
10. Having been that indie artist struggling to get heard, besides "don't give up", what's the best advice you can give to another artist just getting started?
Well first of all, make sure that music is absolutely what you feel like you were put on this earth do to. Because if there's any second guessing at all, it's probably not for you. It takes a lot of heart, a lot of determination, and even more endurance. You will hear the word "no" many more times than you can imagine, and at times it really hurts. But no matter what, you just have to keep going as if you heard "yes".
To find out more about Brandon, his amazing personal story of triumph and strength and his amazing talent, you can connect with him online in several ways -